Unsere Arbeit

Kundenspezifische, wissenschaftlich fundierte Lösungen

Wir beraten in Fragen der Strategie und Politik, insbesondere in komplexen Situationen, in denen sich beide Bereiche überschneiden.

Die kombinierte regulatorische und strategische Expertise von Altermind wird durch den Zugang zu einer umfangreichen Wissensbasis von Millionen erstklassiger Akademiker und Branchenexperten weiter gestärkt.

Dies ermöglicht es uns, komplexe strategische Fragestellungen aus verschiedenen Blickwinkeln zu untersuchen und anzugehen, den breiteren politischen und wirtschaftlichen Kontext zu berücksichtigen sowie datengetriebene und wissenschaftlich unterstützte Lösungen zu entwickeln, die über die Grenzen der traditionellen Managementberatung hinausgehen.


Überprüfung der aktuellen Unternehmensstrategie durch Stress-Tests und Anpassung angesichts neuer Herausforderungen. Identifizierung neuer Grenzbereiche, die erkundet werden sollen - sei es durch organisches Wachstum, Fusionen und Übernahmen oder sogar virtuelle Realitäten von Web 3 und Metaverse - und Gestaltung der entsprechenden Roadmaps.

Regulierungsstrategie und Interessenvertretung

Kritische Bewertung bestehender Regulierung und bevorstehender regulatorischer Veränderungen unter Berücksichtigung der Herausforderungen und Chancen, die sie mit sich bringen. Ausarbeitung von evidenzbasierten, wissenschaftlich fundierten Vorschlägen zur Verbesserung der Regulierung (z. B. pro-business Maßnahmen, Anpassungen an das digitale Zeitalter). Interessenvertretung bei öffentlichen Behörden und Regulierungsstellen auf nationaler, EU- und globaler Ebene, um Regulierung gemeinsam zu gestalten. Aktualisierung der Unternehmensstrategie, um rechtzeitig auf zukünftige Normen zu reagieren und Regulierung als Wachstumsförderer zu nutzen.

Wettbewerbs- und Rechtsstrategie

Entwicklung von Fusionskontroll- und Kartellstrategien sowie deren Verteidigung vor Wettbewerbsbehörden. Kombination von klassischer wettbewerbsökonomischer Analyse mit rechtlicher und kommunikativer Expertise, um fundierte Argumente für komplexe Fälle zu liefern.

Strategische Kommunikation

Co-Kreation von datengetriebenen wirtschaftlichen und industriellen Studien sowie White Papers, um unseren Kunden dabei zu helfen, eine führende Position als Meinungsführer zu etablieren und zu erhalten. Erstellung von strategischen Narrativen, um öffentliche Debatten zu prägen, und Bereitstellung von argumentativen Informationen auf der Grundlage von Evidenz für Entscheidungsträger aus dem öffentlichen und privaten Bereich sowie für wichtige Interessengruppen auf höchster Ebene.


Indem wir unseren Kunden dabei helfen, wichtige Entscheidungen angesichts globaler Probleme und Herausforderungen zu treffen, schaffen wir ein besseres Verständnis für die sich ständig verändernde geopolitische Landschaft, ihre Risiken und Chancen.

Daten und Algorithmen

Datengetriebene Geschäftsmodelle. Strategische Roadmaps für den Einsatz von Algorithmen. Plattformstrategien. Datenethik. Go-to-Market-Strategien für KI-intensive neue Produkte und neue Märkte, basierend auf einer gründlichen Analyse von Technologien und Partnerschaften.

Zukunft der Arbeit

Unterstützung von Kundenorganisationen bei der besseren Vorbereitung auf grundlegende Veränderungen am Arbeitsplatz, die durch Globalisierung, digitale Transformation und die Auswirkungen der jüngsten Gesundheitskrise ausgelöst wurden.


Unsere Methode der technologiegetriebenen Beratung, ergänzt durch wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse, wurde erfolgreich von einigen der weltweit führenden Wirtschaftsführer getestet.

Augmented by a group of eight internationally renowned experts, Altermind team has helped us decipher the complex realities of China in a way few others have managed to do. They have managed to combine long-term perspectives with immediate call to actions that have proven very valuable to Kering.

François-Henri Pinault

Chairman and CEO of Kering

Altermind has a very original and versatile model that allows them to provide relevant and insightful perspectives on a wide variety of topics. For L’Oréal, they have worked on very different subjects, and our teams have always worked together remarkably.

Nicolas Hieronimus

CEO, L’Oréal

Altermind has helped us challenge our strategy on complex issues and has assisted us with competition and regulatory issues. I appreciate the quality and variety of the ad hoc group of academics that augments the Altermind team. Altermind's original working method has produced decisive results for Orange. Their perspectives on emerging and complex regulatory issues, climate change, network virtualization and antitrust have been and continue to be decisive.

Christel Heydemann

CEO, Orange

We have worked with Altermind on a number of strategic projects. The quality of their thinking and work delivered was incredibly impressive and really helped shape our decision making. They are very well connected with exceptional relationships at the highest levels and operate in a very responsive and rigorous manner. We would have no hesitation in engaging Mathieu and the team at Altermind again and would recommend them highly.

Stephen Miron

CEO, Global

I particularly appreciate the finesse and accuracy of the work produced by Altermind. I have had several opportunities to observe the robustness of their analyses and the depth of their work. Altermind has put together a team with whom we can exchange, in confidence, in an efficient, constructive and intelligent manner.

Jean-Charles Decaux

CEO, JCDecaux

I have asked Altermind on repeated occasions to come up with innovative approaches and solutions to complex problems (algorithmic strategy, data ethics and governance, web3, etc.). I have always been positively surprised by the thoroughness of their academic experts, and the resourcefulness of the in-house team. While disruptive and out-of-the-box, the recommendations of Altermind have always been considered by my teams to be practical and solution-oriented - I look forward to continuing to work with them in the future.

Laurent Mignon


Altermind's teams are fast, efficient and robust. They have produced economic and strategic analyses that have been decisive in changing the jurisprudence of competition authorities.

Yannick Bolloré

Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Vivendi

Altermind has the vision, expertise and network which can make the difference in high-stakes negotiations. They have brought us decisive advice to put in place innovative solutions that benefit our community, and this hand in hand with the Government decision-makers in Paris and Brussels.

Emmanuel Marill

Managing Director, France and Belgium, Director EMEA, AIRBNB

Altermind is a valuable ally in the most complex strategic, competition (both merger control and antitrust), and regulatory cases. They have been instrumental for M6. Thanks to the academic world, they provide very solid analyses. They also have a unique, detailed and intimate knowledge of the decision-makers ecosystem. Altermind is growing fast and is already a key actor of the future of consulting.

Nicolas de Tavernost


Altermind allowed us to interact at a very high level with the academic world. This very fruitful exchange, implemented for the first time in France, was then rolled out in other countries. We also used this work and partnership during Mark Zuckerberg’s visit in France. Their ability to produce substantive arguments is also very useful for us.

Laurent Solly

VP, Southern Europe, Facebook

Altermind has harnessed an original model combining academic expertise and top-notch consulting capabilities that has allowed to come up with thoughtful and practical strategic plan for Getlink.

Yann Leriche

CEO, Getlink

Altermind's model, which combines top-notch academic expertise with great consulting capabilities, has been instrumental in helping us assess the business potential of new critical biomass technologies. Their work strikes the right balance between scientific accuracy and practicality.

Diego Herrera

CEO, Pantaleon

Since the creation of Vauban Infrastructure Partners, Altermind has accompanied Vauban IP to enhance a forward-looking approach on key strategic trends affecting infrastructure (digitalization, climate change, social licensing) and help us gain leadership. They excel in combining both theoretical and business approaches to complex issues.

Gwenola Chambon

CEO, Vauban IP

Altermind has provided SNCF with a strong support to build a robust and convincing demonstration of the collective value of rail transport and design a relevant policy framework to accelerate modal shift. Their sectorial expertise, their pluridisciplinary skills, enhanced by their experts, and their intimate understanding of the political and regulatory landscape is of great value.

Jean-Pierre Farandou


I particularly appreciate the finesse an Altermind produces very robust work, which combines economic expertise with a fine knowledge of the law. Their analysis has enabled us to clarify key points of our regulation.

Augustin de Romanet


Altermind has a strong positioning as a strategic advisor and a sparring partner to design the best solutions to complex issues. Altermind has had a critical contribution to the elaboration and promotion of our road transformation plan to face the climate urgency. Working with academics is a real plus!

Pierre Coppey

Executive Vice-President, VINCI and Chairman, VINCI Autoroutes

We worked with Altermind on the performance of public services, showing in an impactful way the merits of outsourcing support activities. This work has helped us refine our strategy vis-à-vis our public clients and prospects and reinforce our exposure. Altermind was also a great partner on elaborating my strategic vision on the future of CRM.

Olivier Duha

Founder and co-chairman, Webhelp

We have worked with Altermind in a context where Orano needed to craft a new industrial narrative to embark the organization and its stakeholders onto the next decade. We have been impressed by Altermind’s ability to align world-class academic expertise in such diverse areas as regulation, cognitive sciences, climate change, and innovation management. Altermind is also able to consolidate this expertise into a single, consistent and elegant narrative.

Philippe Knoche

CEO, Orano